Is AI-Generated Content a Threat to Your Website’s Rankings?

Business Owner On Laptop Using AI Content Tools

In the context of SEO and content writing, the more well-known forms of AI include software like ChatGPT. ChatGPT and its similar counterparts (like Hubspot’s tools) are natural language processing tools driven by AI technology. These tools allow for human-like responses to questions and can create well-written content for emails, essays, and more when given […]

From Concept to Launch: WebMarketers’ 21-Step Web Design Process Explained

As an integrated process that involves strategic planning and intentional design, crafting a website can be tricky. Without a clear roadmap or coordinated execution, the design and implementation of a website can easily yield ineffective and unavailing results. You’re in luck, however…web design does not have to be a stressful undertaking of speculative investment with […]

How to Use Online Booking Tools & GA4 to Maximize Digital Marketing Efforts

Person using a booking tool on a laptop.

Let’s talk about online booking tools and appointment setting software! For those who are unfamiliar, there are plenty of platforms and digital tools that businesses can make use of to automate appointment setting on their website, adding a simple and effective way to bring in new customers, keep existing customers coming back, and manage all […]

Tree Removal Seasonality in Digital Marketing: The Seasonality Series

Are Tree Removal Searches Seasonal? TL:DR: Yes. But it’s way more interesting than you might think. Seasonality is something every business owner is familiar with. From roofers to software developers, from dentists to accountants everyone has busy and quiet months. But how do you quantify this beyond gut feel? This is the first article in […]

Google Ads Landing Page Best Practices for Better PPC Results

A successful Google Ads strategy is important for any business, especially for newer ones that haven’t had years to develop a strong brand, online presence, and natural organic traffic through SEO. There are many aspects of a Google Ads campaign that contribute to its success, from the types of campaigns you run (Search, Display, Video, […]

6 Effective SEO Tactics to Boost Your Digital Marketing Strategy

SEO - Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a component of digital marketing that many business owners do not always take full advantage of. Picture this: you’ve moved into a new town and you’re looking for a physiotherapist. What you’ll probably do is Google the words “physio clinic” or “physiotherapist near me” and look through a couple […]

5 Google Ads Best Practices for 2022

Since its introduction in 2000, Google Ads has changed and been updated in countless ways. These changes include not only expanding the way that it serves ads but expanding the very types of ads that can be run on the platform. What began as pay-per-impression bidding on search ads evolved into pay per click, and […]

Tag, You’re It! Why Your Business Should be Remarketing

why your business should be remarketing

Remember the last time you were shopping for something online and then you suddenly “couldn’t escape the ads”? They somehow seemed to follow you around all the websites, apps and social media platforms you used, right? This, my friends, is called remarketing. What is Remarketing? Remarketing, sometimes referred to as retargeting, is the practice of […]